Blog Archive

Wednesday 28 December 2016

Bonaire on Hold

Plans on Hold

Well, we have done pretty much everything in the Duogen troubleshooting guides to get ours up and running again.

When it works both in wind and water mode, it is a great asset to have, especially in the night when the solar panels make zero contribution.

Having changed the regulator, and rewired it, the wind blades continued to freewheel with no resistance. If this happens for any length of time the acetyl gear drive will destroy itself. This means every time we tested it we had to put the blades on, then take them off again.

Not great out in a rolly anchorage, so we came into the inner lagoon inside the marina and picked up a mooring.

Finally we got round to stripping down the alternator, and bingo! A wire nearly burnt through, and a melted rectifier. Oh well, the wire was an easy fix, but the replacement rectifier will need to come from the UK, so we are going to be here a while longer. 

Thoughts of getting down to Bonaire are diminishing. Just hoping when the new part arrives it will be all systems go.


Base of duogen 

Checking the wiring

Burnt out rectifiers on Duogen
Not what you want to see

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