Blog Archive

Sunday 12 March 2017

Antigua Revisited


The last time we came to Antigua we had been amazed at the superyachts in both Falmouth and English Harbours. The scale of them is just bewildering, as must be the running costs, estimated at 10 percent of the boats replacement value each year.

Superyacht with Helicopter on deck

Superyachts in Falmouth Habour Antigua

Superyacht in Falmouth Habour Antigua

Maltese Falcon Superyacht in Falmouth Habour Antigua

English Harbour Antigua Anchorage

Fort at English Harbour Antigua

English Harbour Antigua Anchorage

Since our last visit to Antigua, a new gourmet supermarket has opened up between Falmouth Harbour and English Harbour. It is a very welcome addition to the area. They have a lovely decked area outside with open wifi, so is useful for cruisers looking to catch up on emails and weather.

The second night Peter was with us, the supermarket hosted a 'Let's Cook' competition with 3 chefs. The owner of the Supermarket, Stewart, was one of the chefs, alongside chef Selwyn from a super yacht called Mia Cara, and chef Stefano from a local restaurant. The chefs were given 30 minutes to shop for their ingredients, cook and serve up 3 platefuls for waiting judges. A presenter from the local radio station, English Harbour Radio, was broadcasting live from the event. It was a great event and Stewart was a real performer, doing press-ups halfway through the challenge.

Stefano cooked a risotto with a fish tartar, whilst Stewart cooked lamb chops with roasted vegetables and 'boozy berries'. Last, but not least, Selwyn cooked lobster with 'spaghetti' squash and aubergine fritters.

Peter is a real foodie so he loved it. He even managed to get himself interviewed by English Harbour Radio and blag himself a free t-shirt!

It was a close-run thing at the judging stage, but Selwyn came first with his lobster dish. Peter chatted to Selwyn after the event and he plated up some of the remaining lobster to sample. It really was delicious. The 'spaghetti' squash was something we hadn't come across before. With this particular brand of squash, once it is boiled and you scoop out the flesh, it comes out in long strands, looking just like spaghetti.

The lamb dish would probably have been our favourite, but they were thick chops and there wasn't really enough time to cook them enough for most people's taste. They were very pink and that may have been a deciding factor on the result.

All the delicious aromas coming from the dishes made us very hungry, so we headed across the road to Cap Horn for a pizza.

Three shopping trollies at the Covent Garden Antigua
Getting ready for the start

Cookery Competition at The Covent garden English Harbour Antigua
L-R Stewart, Selwyn and Stefano

Cookery Competition at The Covent garden English Harbour Antigua
And they're off!

Cookery Competition at The Covent garden English Harbour Antigua
Selwyn checking on his lobsters

Cookery Competition at The Covent garden English Harbour Antigua
Stewart and Stefano

Cookery Competition at The Covent garden English Harbour Antigua

Cookery Competition at The Covent garden English Harbour Antigua
Peter live on English Harbour Radio

Cookery Competition at The Covent garden English Harbour Antigua

Cookery Competition at The Covent garden English Harbour Antigua

Cookery Competition at The Covent garden English Harbour Antigua
Selwyn plating up

Cookery Competition at The Covent garden English Harbour Antigua

Cookery Competition at The Covent garden English Harbour Antigua

Cookery Competition at The Covent garden English Harbour Antigua

One place we didn't get to visit last year was Green Island. We had heard it was beautiful and so it was the first place we sailed to with Peter. Well, I say sail, but sadly we had to motor. Our furling drum was causing us problems on the way up from Guadeloupe and by the time Antigua Rigging took a look at it, it had seized completely. A new one was on order from Facnor in France, but in the meantime we couldn't use the genoa. Fortunately, as Peter is a fellow sailor, he understood that these things sometimes happen.

Navionics Screenshot of Green Island Antigua
The red arrow is where we were moored

Navionics Screenshot of Green Island Antigua
Where we were moored

We took up a mooring ball just north of Green Island and wasted no time in jumping into the water for a refreshing swim. The place did not disappoint. It is surrounded by reefs and so the navigation is a bit tricky, but well worth the effort.

After our swim, we took the dinghy ashore and explored Green Island. The beaches were lovely.

Green Island Antigua

Green Island Antigua

Green Island Antigua

Aztec Dream Green Island Antigua

Aztec Dream Green Island Antigua

Aztec Dream Green Island Antigua

Aztec Dream Green Island Antigua

Aztec Dream Jolly Harbour

Before our final stopover with Peter at Jolly Harbour, we spent a fabulous evening up at Shirley Heights listening to the steel pans and then a local Reggae band. The music was excellent, as was the barbecue and rum punch!

Shirley Heights Antigua
Shirley Heights Antigua
Aztec Dream Jolly Harbour

Aztec Dream Jolly Harbour

Sunset Jolly Harbour Antigua

After Peter left us to catch his flight back, we stayed another night and then headed back round to Falmouth Harbour and Antigua Rigging.

They organised the replacement and fitting of the new furling drum, which we are pleased to say is working really well.

Next stop Jamaica...

Aztec Dream New Furler Drum Antigua Rigging
Aztec Dream New Furler Drum Antigua Rigging

Aztec Dream New Furler Drum Antigua Rigging

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