Blog Archive

Saturday 2 September 2017

Tijax Life

Tijax Life

Not much has happened since our last update. We are still very much enjoying all aspects of life on the river, and it is easy to see why many people choose this as a cruising base.
Some smaller jobs are out of the way now. The plinths for the grab handles by the companionway are back in situ. Funny how something so simple as a loose bolt can become so convoluted to fix. If it could have been tightened up without removing the plinth, which we found out the hard way had been glued in place, this would have been a much easier job. Instead the old teak broke getting it off, and the glue took with it some of the fibreglass underneath. The fibreglass was repaired, new plinths made and a coat of export paint on the base, then a few coats of varnish on top. We used silicone to bed them in place and then bolted them down. The end result looks fine, and we relabelled the clutches at the same time.

Aztec Dream Companionway Handrail
Another job done

Varnished Oars
Oars varnished as well

We are enjoying the dog sitting. It is great to explore our jungle backyard. About half an hours walk away is a small spring fed pool, the water is freezing cold, but our Danish friends from the yacht Karma enjoyed trying it the other day when we all went for a walk.

Steve Farnsworth
Steve and Sky bonding

Sky the dog eager to walk
Come on, we have miles to go

Jungle path at Tijax
Lovely surroundings

Fungi growing on tree
Furry tree

Natural spring fed pool Tijax
Ice cold but refreshing

Turkey Vulture
Turkey Vulture?

Spider on a leaf
Creepy crawlies everywhere

Collection bucket on rubber tree
Tijax also has a Rubber Tree Plantation

We took some more pictures of our marina location in relation to our surroundings.

Tijax Marina on Rio Dulce
Marina Tijax is well sheltered

Corner of Fronteras Town on Rio Dulce
And only a short dinghy ride from town

Tijax Marina from the air
Drone picture taken 2016

Lynne's parents and brother Phill have booked to come out and visit us in Cancun in Mexico next year, so we are really pleased about that and hoping to do some sightseeing with them. Talking of sightseeing, a trip is being organised here to visit the Mayan temples at Tikal. Just waiting for confirmation of the date, but really looking forward to that.

Ongoing Jobs

The next boat job is to tackle a windlass issue. We have a Quick Antares 1000 model and it is sometimes a little reluctant to wind the anchor chain in. We have three options:- buy a new one, buy a new replacement motor and gearbox, or try and repair what we have. 
The gearbox oil is rusty brown in colour so the intention is to remove the gearbox and take a look inside. We have been in touch with the manufacturer and had some really helpful guidance. With time on our hands we will look into the third option and then decide which way to go. As most of our time is usually spent at anchor, we really rely on the windlass working. Oh well, time to break out the took kit.
Pictures and an update to follow...

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